Added a Brake System for my Towed Jeep

Over the years I’ve had several different Brake Systems for my Towed vehicles. I’ve had permanently installed ones and those that were portable. The permanent onesa were nice, but if I sold the vehicle or got another one then I would have to get another brake system, so a portable one would work better for me. I tried several different ones and although all of them did the job, most were a pain to install and set up. I happened to find a different one that a man had bought and never used. It was still in the box and had never been opened or used. It was a RVI3 and they sell for $1,595 He needed to sell it because he was no longer RVing and had sold his motor home. I paid cash and got it for $700 less than what I would have had to pay a dealer for it.

Here are some of the particulars on the unit that I bought from him.

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